Monica Wallace

Small Animal Veterinarian

Monica Wallace - Small Animal Veterinarian
Monica Wallace BVMS CertSAS MRCVS Small Animal Veterinarian

Monica joined the team at AVR in November 2024, she achieved her RCVS certificate in small animal surgery in 2005, and has maintained accreditation as a RCVS registered advanced practitioner in small animal surgery. She enjoys orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery, and regularly attends courses to learn and discuss cases with colleagues. 

Out of work Monica has just acquired a reactive 2 years old collie, and when not out with him can be found in the gym, in the hills (walking or snowboarding), or playing and/or coaching touch rugby - locally and internationally. To relax, playing at cookery, or enjoying a nice gin or red wine with a good book are the go to options.